The Right Way to Blind Review

11:00 pm

1 hr

All levels


  • Do we review all the questions? Or just the mistakes?
  • How do we know when we really understand?
  1. Why is the right answer right?
  2. Why didn’t you pick it?
  3. How are you going to avoid making that mistake next time?
  4. Why is the wrong answer wrong?
  5. Why did you pick the wrong answer?
  6. How are you going to avoid making that mistake next time?

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Nathan Fox

Nathan Fox

LSAT Demon Cofounder

I’m not yelling at you—I’m yelling at the LSAT. Like many, I sucked at the games when I started. After perfecting them, I scored my 179. My goal is to show you how easy this test can be.

This Class

Join Nathan to learn how to blind review the right way.