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Thinking LSAT
Thinking LSAT

Ben Olson and Nathan Fox started the Thinking LSAT Podcast to become better LSAT teachers, meet LSAT luminaries, and have some fun.

Thinking LSAT Blog

Ben Olson and Nathan Fox started the Thinking LSAT Podcast to become better LSAT teachers, meet LSAT luminaries, and have some fun.

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Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024

Wed, Oct 9, 2024

4:00 PM

Lunch Break LR

Join us during your lunch break to check out two Logical Reasoning questions. We’ll spend 30 minutes together solving both questions.


9:00 PM

RC Foundations

In Foundations, we’ll build good habits as we work through one passage together practicing active reading and prediction. This approach will make it easier to understand and identify the answers when you get to the questions.


10:30 PM

Double Black Diamond LSAT

Nathan tackles the week’s hardest logical reasoning questions in our fastest-paced, highest-level class. Consider working through the syllabus ahead of time, as Nathan will be working at full speed.


All classes in Africa/Abidjan

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