Real Housewives of RC

10:00 pm

1 hr

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Test 55, Passage 4 — Speculative bubbles


Knowing the facts in a reading comprehension passage is essential. But complete understanding happens only when you can see how the facts are used, and what the passage needs to do next. In Test 55, Passage 4 — Speculative bubbles, Chris showed the class from the first paragraph how to predict what the passage needed to do before the end.

Christopher Murphy

Christopher Murphy

Master LSAT Tutor

Chris used to speed through the LSAT before the Demon taught him to slow down and enjoy the ride. He now craves the satisfaction of feeling the correct answers snap into place in Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension.
LSAT Journey: 158 →173

This Class

Explore the drama of an RC passage by manufacturing engagement just like the real housewives. We’ll become reality reading stars one line at a time.