Ben’s Class

5:00 pm

1.5 hrs



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What is Logical Reasoning?

Logical Reasoning

Set 1

Test 11, Section 2, Q20 — Recent report

Test 11, Section 2, Q21 — Environmental report

Test 11, Section 2, Q22 — Otters

Set 2

Test 80, Section 1, Q19 — Best leader

Test 55, Section 1, Q1 — Several errors

Test 7, Section 4, Q4 — Tomato soup

Set 3

Test 7, Section 1, Q2 — Bevex

Test 31, Section 2, Q10 — Regret

Test 80, Section 1, Q10 — Plant database


Logical Reasoning passages often use convoluted language. Don’t give up on sentences that don’t make sense on your first read-through. View them as opportunities to improve your comprehension skills. You might need to read a certain clause multiple times to grasp its meaning. This practice takes time, but it builds the muscle that will allow you to process information more quickly in the future, even if it feels slow now.

In today’s class, we covered three sets of LR questions. Ben explained the difference between Necessary Assumption and Sufficient Assumption questions. He emphasized that on a Sufficient Assumption question, we should accept the answer choices as true, no matter how ludicrous they may be. Choose the one that, if true, would definitively prove the argument’s conclusion. Going overboard in proving the conclusion is not a concern. Later, Ben clarified that on a Must Be False question, the answer must be disproven by the record. If it’s not discussed in the passage, then it can’t be rejected by the passage.

Ben Olson

Ben Olson

LSAT Demon Cofounder

The LSAT will make sense when you start focusing on one question at a time—do the question, review it, learn it. You got this.

This Class

Cofounder Ben Olson covers a different section of the LSAT every week. After Ben invites you to do the practice questions on your own, he walks you through each one.