Demon Foundations

11:00 pm

1 hr



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Week 2: The LSAT the Easy Way

  • Eliminating Formal Logic
  • Success Through Common Sense


Chris told new Demon students that they already knew everything necessary to correctly answer LSAT questions. Students voted to cover LR and RC. Chris walked through one Strengthen and one Sufficient Assumption question before reading a predictable passage about Philip Emeagwali.

Christopher Murphy

Christopher Murphy

Master LSAT Tutor

Chris used to speed through the LSAT before the Demon taught him to slow down and enjoy the ride. He now craves the satisfaction of feeling the correct answers snap into place in Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension. Chris started with a cold diagnostic of 158.

This Class

Join this class for a weekly dose of LSAT Demon medicine. This class will begin with a weekly discussion topic and end with student Q&A. Whether you’re new and learning how to study or a current student looking to bust through a plateau, this class will give you the tools to crush your next week of study.