Devil’s Advocate LR

12:30 am

1 hr



Live plan required.


Logical Reasoning

Test 49, Section 4, Q8 — Ancient relic

Test 25, Section 4, Q10 — Federici Art Museum


Test 1, Section 4, Q17 — Brand beans


Get ready for two Weaken questions and a Paradox question! Ryan shares a strategy for how to make a prediction on answer-driven questions, and discusses one important difference between “easy” and “hard” Weaken questions. He also shares a “plug and play” strategy for how to test answer choices on Weaken questions.

Ryan Adell

Ryan Adell

LSAT Tutor

The LSAT clicked for Ryan when he stopped reading between the lines and started just reading the lines. From picking apart faulty LR arguments to simplifying knotty RC passages, he encourages students to treat the LSAT with a little bit less respect. He helps students get out of their own way by focusing on just the words on the page—nothing more, nothing less.

This Class

Get ready to channel your pent-up rage into annihilating weak arguments and punching back at wrong answer choices. The more aggressively we attack arguments, the better -- it’s time to get our frustration to work for us on the LSAT.