LR Secret Sauce

7:00 pm

1 hr

All levels


Premium or Live plan required.


Logical Reasoning

Test 13, Section 4, Q13 — Alcohol consumption

Test 144, Section 2, Q9 — Pawpaw mountains

Test 144, Section 2, Q23 — Marital problems

Extra practice

Test 13, Section 2, Q18 — Cod stocks

Test 14, Section 4, Q20 — Tip-Top Restaurant

Test 13, Section 4, Q15 — Archeological digs


At the start of today’s class, Stewart spent some time imploring students to slow down and put the passage/argument into their own words. You’re not going to understand the details of the passage if you are simply regurgitating what is on your screen. Three student volunteers put this into practice and made the questions look easy!

Stewart Zelnick

Stewart Zelnick

LSAT Tutor

Stewart used to struggle with Logic Games, but after studying with the Demon, he made games his favorite section of the test and took his score from the 150s to the 170s. He’s also a big believer in the power of prediction in Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension.

This Class

Let’s uncover the secret sauce of LR. We’ll go over questions of various difficulties and unscramble the LSAT’s ingredients of evidence, conclusion, and answer choices. It’s a recipe for success!