Guilty or Not Guilty LR

10:00 pm

1 hr



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Logical Reasoning

Test 150, Section 2, Q8 — Material goods

Test 15, Section 3, Q10 — Consumer advocate

Test 15, Section 3, Q15 — Part time jobs


Test 15, Section 2, Q22 — Migratory fish

Test 150, Section 3, Q23 — Short stories


The LSAT is not trying to trick you. Everything makes perfect sense. But if you read too fast or you give the author too much credit, you end up tricking yourself. Don't do that! Today, Kevin explains why reading for understanding and being aggressive with that understanding makes the questions look easy.

Kevin Kissinger

Kevin Kissinger

LSAT Tutor

Kevin loves those precious “a-ha!” moments on the LSAT. He made plenty of those "a-has" on his way from 153 to 174. He’ll help you build the skills to discover those moments. He enjoys every section of the test, especially Logical Reasoning.

This Class

Channel your inner attorney as we dive into LR passages and put them on trial! In this class, we’ll dissect arguments, judge their merits, and determine whether they’re guilty or not guilty (of being flawed). All levels welcome!