
Logical Reasoning

Demon Team Feb 13, 2024Solving a Sufficient Assumption Question

Learn from Nathan how to find a Sufficient Assumption on an actual LSAT question, Test 73.

Demon Team Apr 1, 2022Resist the Urge to Diagram on Logical Reasoning

LSAT Logical Reasoning requires neither mastery of formal logic nor the ability to diagram arguments. Don’t fall for this gimmick. Read on to discover our more intuitive approach to LR.

Demon Team Apr 1, 2022How to Destroy Arguments on the LSAT

Arguments comprise most of the LSAT. Honing your ability to eviscerate bad arguments is a surefire method for improving your score on the test's Logical Reasoning section.

Demon Team Mar 6, 2022Argument Parts and Indicators

To understand LSAT Logical Reasoning questions, you must understand how an argument functions. Here’s what you need to know about arguments and how to evaluate them.

Demon Team Feb 27, 2022Valid and Invalid Arguments

What makes an argument valid or invalid? Why is validity important on Logical Reasoning? Learning the differences between good and bad arguments will improve your LSAT score.

Nathan Fox Jul 29, 2021Negating “Assumption Negation”

I used to teach Necessary Assumption questions all wrong. I was suckered by LSAT dogma, and I thought that it was my duty to teach Necessary Assumption questions in a confusing, convoluted manner.

Nathan Fox Jun 17, 2021You Don’t Suck at Necessary Assumption (You Might Just Suck at LR)

You don’t suck at necessary assumption questions, but you may be struggling with Logical Reasoning more broadly. Remember: the game is to attack the argument. Your job is to disagree.

Demon Team Apr 15, 2021On Logical Reasoning, Read the Passage First

Read on to debunk the theory that you’re better off reading the question stem first on LSAT Logical Reasoning questions.

Demon Team Mar 31, 2021Solving “Flaw” Questions

Learn how to conquer the “Flaw” question type on LSAT Logical Reasoning.

Demon Team Mar 31, 2021Solving “Role” Questions

Learn how to conquer the “Role” question type on LSAT Logical Reasoning.


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