


Demon Team Feb 10, 20252025-2026 LSAT Dates and Deadlines

LSAC has released the dates and deadlines for the 2025-2026 cycle

Demon Team Jun 3, 20242024-2025 LSAT Dates and Deadlines

LSAC has released the dates and deadlines for the 2024-2025 cycle

Demon Team Apr 15, 2024Biden Cuts Debt, Tuition Keeps Soaring

Tuitions are soaring at U.S. colleges and universities, and short-sighted student loan policies may be partly to blame.

Demon Team Mar 26, 2024Without a Graeme of Evidence

This week, Nathan and Ben recap the strange saga and question Graeme’s motives for attempting to silence LSAT Demon and its supporters.

Demon Team Mar 19, 2024Anonymous Tip Box

LSAT Demon is committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality and conduct. Use this anonymous feedback form to report any uncomfortable interactions anywhere on the Demon. 

Demon Team Mar 18, 2024Are LSAT Accommodations Unfair?

Testing accommodations are meant to give students with documented disabilities a fair shot.

Demon Team Mar 11, 2024About that r/LSAT Shadow Ban

Unfortunately, our students haven’t been able to fully contribute to this community for almost a year. Their posts and comments about the Demon are secretly banned.

Demon Team Mar 4, 2024The LSAT Is Easy

When Ben and Nathan say “the LSAT is easy,” it’s not to suggest that LSAT improvement comes effortlessly.

Demon Team Feb 13, 2024Why We Named It LSAT Demon

Many have asked "Why did you name it LSAT Demon?" and Ben and Nathan give the answer in this video.

Nathan Fox May 27, 2021I’m Not Yelling at You, I’m Yelling at the LSAT

The lightbulb won’t go on for these students until I can convince them to stop trying so hard on behalf of wrong answers. I need them to be active instead of passive. I need them to expect wrong answers to be wrong, then gleefully eliminate each one the instant it stops making sense.


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