A listener wants to leave her Teach For America contract to work as a paralegal before going to law school.
Taking easy classes to boost your GPA is a savvy move that can increase your scholarship chances.
While there may be a point of diminishing returns, there is rarely a downside in choosing to retake the LSAT if you believe you can get a higher score.
Adele has backed herself into a corner due to her academic history and geographic limitations for law school.
An article sent in by listener Elijiah highlights how the scholarship game draws a sharp line between the haves and have-nots.
A student has exhausted all their LSAT practice tests and is now reusing them.
Frank, like a lot of students, is coming to the Demon from another prep company.
Craig is unsure whether to prioritize prestige or money when choosing a law school.
A student wants to understand the difference between lower-level and higher-level questions.
Don’t negotiate against yourself. You can and should wait to hear all of your options, even when offers come in early.